ADVICE: How to cope with a jobless spouse

Every disappointment, they say, is a blessing in disguise; Perhaps your husband had been nursing the possibilities of starting his own business when he was in paid employment, this may be the time and reason to encourage him to bring his dreams into reality and start putting things in motion. Motivate him to start small if he has a limited capital at present, let him know that it is better to start small than not starting at all.
Perhaps he always wanted to go back to studying again to gain some professional qualifications; this is your opportunity to support his choices as long as he is adding value to himself, the family or both.
Bring out his strengths
Losing his job has crumbled his self-esteem and this can certainly have an adverse effect on his personality and the prospects of getting another suitable job in the short or long term. He needs you more than ever to help him regain his confidence back; let him know how much he means to your family and all his many attributes that can fetch him many more greater opportunities if explored.
Family bonding
Let us be realistic, as much as it is frustrating for you and your spouse, the children certainly feel it more than you think. Perhaps your husband had left the responsibilities of parenting to you alone when he was gainfully employed; here is your opportunity to share those duties with him now. Time spent at home can be spent positively especially if your spouse had never really created time for the children when he was busy working. This is a great opportunity to get to know the children individually and build lasting relationship with them now.
Lifestyle changes
It is obvious now that there is only one single income at least until your spouse can start earning again. Even though there is recession in the air, you must develop a thorough financial strategy to help you through this difficult time too. Your family’s lifestyle must realise this is the perfect time to cut cost in many areas of your finances and little option to do otherwise. Change your financial lifestyle and prioritise your spending.
  • Unemployment is only a temporary situation for your spouse, therefore you must learn to pull together as a family while it lasts; you will look back a few years after and be proud of how you were able to support each other during the hard time.
  • A good woman must continue to remain positive for her husband and keep motivating him to take the steps that can relieve his stress and improve his mood during the difficult times.
ADVICE: How to cope with a jobless spouse ADVICE: How to cope with a jobless spouse Reviewed by DLSBF on Friday, May 12, 2017 Rating: 5

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