Protect Our Fishing Industry


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The Gambia is part of countries within the Sub-region and beyond, blessed with very little natural resources when compared to others across the globe, hence the rationale behind the country’s maximum utilization of the blessed beautiful River Gambia and its resources at our disposal.
Fishing constitutes an integral part of activities tapping natural resources from River Gambia and the Atlantic Ocean located on the mouth of the river. This industry serve as one of the largest employer in the country’s development objectives, as fish related products from the Gambia were exported and continue to be sent in different parts of the world, as far as China, United States of America, Europe among others for various purpose.
This brought about what many called ‘an outrageous footage of heaps of fish dumped on Gunjur fish landing site and surrounding bushes’’ shown on the screens of Gambia Radio and Television Services (GRTS), coupled with expression of deep sense of worries and concern by both residence of the area and interested parties in the promotion and protection of our dearest fishing industry.
Dead fish catches were seen spread in heaps across the beach and more bigger heaps shown dumped in the bushes with bitter odors emanating from such fast decaying fish heaps, that turn human habitation around the area unbearable and also posed potential health threat, as the air is said to be more than polluted with stench odors therein.
Different factors were held responsible for this unacceptable rate of fish spoilage in a country where majority depends on fish supply to meet daily nutrient or dietary needs, as meat prices go beyond an average Gambian’s earning capacity, hence heavy reliance on fish to meet such an important dietary needs of the people of the country and beyond.
Thought we could not establish the true cause of such an unfortunate occurrence against our dear natural resources right in our face. But it’s imperative and prudent for the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and stakeholders to act without delay and address the problem before it would be late.
We cannot afford to sit and fold our hands while the main source of living for majority of Gambians is phasing out in the names that we cannot justify or defend. It’s the responsibility for all Gambians to protect our natural resources from exploitation, abuse and misuse at all time, in accordance with the famous Banjul Declaration, The National Environment Act, that established the national environment agency among other committed natural resources management policies and programs at both domestic and international level.
Protect Our Fishing Industry Protect Our Fishing Industry Reviewed by DLSBF on Monday, May 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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