Sultan of Sokoto Advice Biafra Agitators

Ethnic agitations: Let's all live in peace - Sultan of Sokoto

- Sultan Abubakar urges all Nigerians to retrace their steps and find ways to sort things out - He urges respect among all citizens and asked elders to caution the youth when they go wrong - He noted that God made the nation the way it is for a reason and asked Nigerians to accept that and learn to live in peace Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, the Sultan of Sokoto, is calling for dialogue as the solution to the agitation for the breakup of Nigeria. According to reports, the monarch maintained that Nigeria would remain united no matter what. Sultan Abubakar made his comments at his palace in Sokoto when he hosted leaders of resident communities, heads of security agencies, civil society groups and media practitioners to a dinner to break the Ramadan fast.

He stated: “No matter what anybody can say, no matter what is happening, we are still one big family. “Let’s sit down, discuss these issues. So that together we can find out what really went wrong. Let us retrace our step and see where we started getting things wrong so that we can find the way of sorting things out. “It is a simple thing because we are all eager to live in peace, united and to have a morally upright country based on justice, equity and above all fear of God “I am totally disappointed over what is happening. I like challenges and we are in a challenging period and we will take it up. We will continue preaching love, impartiality, respect and unity in the country.” The sultan called on the nation’s elders to caution their youths and urged Nigerians to respect each other and shun suspicion. He said: “If you see your son misbehaving and decides to keep quit it means you are supporting him because no father want to see his son going astray without doing anything.” According to the monarch, God did not make a mistake by, “creating us as Nigerians”. He added that as men of faith, Nigerians should accept God’s decision and live in peace with one another. In his words: “We don’t have to resort to uncomplimentary remarks or violence to make our demands heard because insecurity doesn’t help anybody. No violence pays anybody or resolves any problem. “We should stop looking down on others unless we want to lift them up. We should understand ourselves and respect one another.”

We previously reported that the United States ambassador to Nigeria Stuart Symington said the Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar is a stabilizing factor in Nigeria. Symington said: "The US is happy with the role the sultan is playing in ensuring sustainable peace and unity in Nigeria, and even beyond. ”The sultan is a father to all Nigerians and he is worthy of emulation by all Nigerians and non-Nigerians alike."

Sultan of Sokoto Advice Biafra Agitators Sultan of Sokoto Advice Biafra Agitators Reviewed by DLSBF on Thursday, June 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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