Kamla and Vitthal are happy as Kalpana's restaurant is about to be inaugurated the next day, but Kamla gets worried when she sees Vitthal using sleeping pills. Meanwhile, Pakhi is angry with Kamla as her daughter Kalpana is proving to be a hindrance in her love story. She decides to question Kamla and makes up her mind to not let Kalpana come close to Raghav. Next day, Vitthal and Kalpana along with Kamla and Neetu pray to God before the opening of the restaurant.
Pakhi accuses Kamla of hiding the real facts about Kalpana and Raghav's affair. She blames her for encouraging her daughter to fall in love with Raghav and holds her responsible for her sour relationship with Raghav. Kamla tries to convince Pakhi that she did not intend to hurt her, but Pakhi refuses to listen to her and calls Kalpana her enemy. She even throws the 'sindoor' that Kamla had earlier given to her. Neetu tries to convince Pakhi to divorce Raghav but Pakhi only gets furious with her mother. Meanwhile, Kalpana comes to Raghav's house to meet him,
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Kamla realizes that Kalpana has gone to meet Raghav and is worried that Pakhi will see her there. Her fears come trues as Pakhi sees Kalpana outside her house and gets furious with her. She asks Kalpana to stop meeting Raghav as he is her husband and he is not in any way related to her. Pakhi warns Kalpana and asks to stop her attempts in stealing Raghav away from her. Kalpana tries to explain to Pakhi that she loves Raghav but Pakhi does not listen to her and instead continues her argument.
Pakhi enters her house and asks Gauri if she allowed Kalpana to meet Raghav and Gauri denies. The show takes a twist as it turns out that Pakhi and Gauri had actually planned to support each other from the earliest and Pakhi was all this time aware of Gauri being Raghav's mother and she had gone against her parents as per her plan with Gauri. Gauri had promised to help her achieve Raghav's love in return for her support. Now, Gauri tells her that she will help her in her fight for love,
but just then Kamla enters and is happy to see the two of them bonding with each other. Pakhi continues to behave rudely with Kamla and asks her to leave the place when she hears Raghav coming. Raghav finds out from Kamla that Kalpana had come to his house and is confused as to why his mother had lied to him.
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Kalpana starts her new business with the help of her neighbours and is worried in the beginning, but later many customers arrive at her new restaurant and seeing this Kalpana feels very happy. Meanwhile, Pakhi tries to stop Raghav from going to his office and spend time with her, but when she realizes that Raghav is not listening to her, she burns her hand on purpose and gets Raghav's attention. Raghav decides to take her to the hospital and seeing Raghav caring for her, Pakhi feels happy.
Kamla and Kalpana start their restaurant and it's the first day of their restaurant. Meanwhile, Raghav is with certain foreign delegates, who want to have traditional Indian food. Raghav takes them to Kalpana's newly opened restaurant and makes them have traditional Maharashtrian dishes. Pakhi gets upset when she learns that Raghav has gone to Kalpana's restaurant instead of the cafe where she had made arrangements for him and his delegates. Meanwhile, Manda and Neetu make plans to ruin the reputation of the restaurant.
Kalpana and Kamla are happy that Raghav and his delegates have shown immense love to their new restaurant. The delegates even click a photograph with Kamla to take back their memories of the restaurant. The ladies of the restaurant are very happy about the positive response their new business is getting and decide to show more support to this new venture. Manda tells Vitthal that Raghav had been to the restaurant and he gets furious with Kamla as he hates Raghav. Later, Manda tries to steal some money from the cash counter of the new restaurant. Meanwhile, Neetu gets shocked when she finds out that Gauri and Pakhi have befriended each other. Kamla decides to meet Pakhi as she has been missing her, on the other hand, Pakhi leaves the house and goes out without informing anybody.
Vitthal's son catches Manda trying to steal and foils her plans. Kamla comes to Pakhi's house looking for her and gets surprised when Pakhi's grandmother tells her that she is not in the house. Kamla searches for Pakhi in her room and starts to get worried. She tells Raghav that Pakhi is not at home and asks him to call Pakhi, but Pakhi does not pick up the call and meanwhile, Pakhi is busy having fun with her friends and does not pick up the call on purpose. Raghav finds out Pakhi's whereabouts after tracking her phone, and while searching for her Pakhi meets with an accident with Raghav's car. It turns out that Pakhi ic completely fine and only acts to make Raghav care for her. She even gives him her own private doctor's number. Meanwhile, Kalpana is waiting for Raghav at the bus stand to return his file.
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Kamla is shocked to see a new and dangerous side of Pakhi. Pakhi informs Kamla that she will go to any extent to achieve Raghav's love. Kamla requests her to win Raghav's love through love and not by cheating, but Pakhi does not understand her and instead is happy with the fact that Raghav had kept Kalpana waiting at the bus stand and instead spent his time taking care of her. Later, Kalpana finds out that Pakhi had an accident and realizes that Raghav will not arrive to take the the files. She goes back home and is surprised to see her mother very upset. Later, Neetu lies to Pakhi and informs her that Raghav was taking care of her only because Kalpana had asked her to do so.
Kamla and Vitthal are very happy with their daughter's success and think about expanding the cafe. Later, Ragahv decides to meet Kalpana as she had earlier waited for him for a long time at the bus stand. Meanwhile, Pakhi goes to Kalpana's cafe and accuses her of again trying to steal her love. She asks him to stay away from Ragahv and throws money at her and calls her greedy for money. But this time Kalpana does not keep quiet and that Raghav is hers and tells her. Pakhi gets furious and slaps Kalpana and Kamla sees this
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Raghav sees Pakhi with Kamla and Kalpana and is surprised. Pakhi tries to get close with Raghav in order to make Kalpana feel jealous. Later, certain officers come to the newly opened cafe and order Kamla to shut the cafe as a complaint has been registered under the cafe. Kamla and Kalpana refuse to do so as they feel that they have not broken any rule. But the officers decide to demolish the structure and order the bulldozer to break down the cafe. Kamla comes in front of the bulldozer and decides to not move away.
Kalpana and Kamla decide to find out who had filed the complaint against their cafe. They find out that the complaint letter was sent by Ajay who works in Raghav's company, Kamla gets shocked when she learns that Pakhi was responsible for sending the complaint letter to the government officials. Kamla goes to Pakhi's house and slaps her, but Pakhi refuses to talk to her. Kamla threatens her and says that she will reveal everything to Raghav. Pakhi gets worried and blurts out that she has Raghav's mother, Gauri's support and does not need her. Kamla gets shocked hearing this, but later Pakhi somehow manages to take control of the situation and manages to calm Kamla down.
Kamla is upset and tells Kalpana about Pakhi and Gauri's entire plan. Kalpana realizes that they had all been wrong about Raghav all this while and decide to reveal this plan to Raghav as well. Meanwhile, Gauri and Pakhi decide to not let Raghav meet Gauri. Next day, Raghav arrives and is asked to go out for dinner with the family, but just then Kamla and Kalpana arrive. Kamla tells the truth about Gauri and Pakhi to him, but Pakhi and Gauri accuse her of lying. Later, Kamla tells about Pakhi filing a complaint about her cafe with the municipality. She provides Ajay as her proof but Ajay turns hostile and goes against them.
Raghav refuses to believe the accusations laid down by Kalpana and her mother on Pakhi and his mother. Kamla leaves his house, but Raghav follows them to further enquire about the matter. Kalpana refuses to talk to him and asks him to live his life by himself. Meanwhile, Pakhya catches Manda trying to steal from the box in the cafe and decides to lock the box from the next day and asks other ladies to keep an eye on Manda. Later, Raghav is still confused as to why Kamla had said such things about his mother, but his mother acts very emotional in front of him and manages to take control of her son.
Pakhi is planning for a surprise party for Raghav's birthday, but Raghav finds out about this and shows his disinterest in celebrating his birthday. Later, Raghav hears Pakhi ordering cake for his birthday and he decides to have a party on his birthday, but asks Pakhi to invite Kalpana and Kamla for the party, he also asks her to order food for the party from Kalpana's cafe. Pakhi gets furious hearing this and makes up her mind to not allow this to happen. Later, Raghav goes to Kamla's house and invites them for the party and also tells them about the order for food from their cafe, just then Vitthal enters and gets furious seeing Raghav.
Pakhi hears Raghav talking to Kalpana on the phone and asking her to prepare food for the party. Pakhi gets more furious. She later insists on Raghav having a candle light dinner with her, Raghav initially rejects her offer but later agrees to her to keep her happy. Pakhi in her jealousy goes to the extent of mixing sleeping pills in Raghv's drink. Kalpana tries to call Raghav to wish him on his birthday, but Pakhi keeps the phone away from Raghav. Later, Raghav dances with Pakhi assuming that she is Kalpana. They dance for a long time.
Kalpana is worried as to why Raghav is not picking up her call, meanwhile Pakhi plays a cunning trick on Raghav. She gets Raghav drunk and next day when Raghav wakes up he finds himself with Pakhi on the same bed. He understands what has happened and feels terrible about it. Pakhi pretends like it was Raghav's fault and makes him feel all the more guilty. He later sees his phone and realizes that Kalpana had been calling him all night. He later decides to cancel his birthday party as he does not have the courage to face Kalpana. But his mother makes him agree for the party. Raghav later asks Kalpana to meet him as he needs to talk to her.
Kamla and Kalpana make up their mind to reveal the truth about Pakhi and Gauri in front of Raghav. Kamla asks Kalpana to behave in the party as per their plan. Pakhi insults Kamla and Kalpana when they enter her house. Kalpana adjusts one of the decoration piece by climbing on a stool, just then Pakhi tries to hurt her. Kalpana is about to fall down but Raghav catches her and later even takes care of her. Seeing this Pakhi feels jealous. Pakhi tells Kalpana that she has had physical relationship with Raghav, but she gets shocked when Kalpana does not believe her at all. Pakhi later makes plan to ruin Kamla's food that she has prepared for the party in order to insult them. Meanwhile, Kamla too has her plans to bring the truth out.
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Kamla's plan to bring out the truth about Pakhi and Gauri in front of Raghav does not go as per her expectations but she does not give up hope. Later, Kamla gets shocked when she finds out that somebody has added lot of salt and spices in her cooked food and she immediately suspects Pakhi to be behind this. Later, Manda and Neetu too arrive for the party and meet Kamla there. During the time of cutting the cake, Pakhi and Kalpana give him gifts on his birthday. Pakhi gives him an expensive watch, while Kalpana presents him the symbol of love, a miniature Taj Mahal. Pakhi feels jealous when Raghav gets impressed with Kalpana's gift and begins to ruin the cake prepared by Kalpana.
Raghav speaks to Kalpana in private and reveals to her about what had happened between him and Pakhi. Naren calls it a mistake, but Kalpana gets furious with him. But she later starts to suspect that it is another of Pakhi's plots. Pakhi meanwhile, tries to taunt Kamla by giving her the cake she had bought for Raghav. Kalpana later messages Pakhi through Gauri's phone and asks her to meet her. Pakhi assumes that she is speaking to Gauri and ends up revealing the entire truth about the previous night to Kalpana. She also records the entire conversation between her and Pakhi and decides to give it to Raghav.
Pakhi tries to snatch the phone from Kalpana that contains the proof against Pakhi but she fails. Kalpana is about to show the recording to Raghav but just then a man comes and stops her. The goon takes Kalpana away without letting Raghav even notice her. Kamla starts searching for Kalpana and is sure that Pakhi is responsible for this. Raghav immediately decides to take the help of the police. Pakhi later herself tells Kamla that she has kidnapped Kalpana and challenges her to find her. She forgets all the love and care that Kamla had showered on her as a child and goes to the extent of calling Kamla by her name. Kamla later speaks to Gauri and Gauri decides to support Kamla.
akhi takes Gauri along with her to the place where she has kept Kalpana and there she ties up Gauri and gags her and makes her sit next to Kalpana. Both Kalpana and Gauri try to free themselves but find no way to do so. Meanwhile, Kamla goes to the Ganesh temple and begins praying sincerely to the idol. Kalpana tries to dial Raghav's number on Gauri's phone with her toes and finally manages to do so, Raghav even picks up the call but does not hear his mother speaking. Finally Raghav finds his mother but not Kalpana. Gauri tells everything regarding Pakhi to her son, Raghav and the two begin their search for Kalpana. Just then Raghav gets a message from Pakhi asking Raghav to meet him at a particular spot.
Raghav arrives at the spot where Pakhi had asked him to meet her. He sees Pakhi and slaps her and calls her an animal. Raghav asks about the whereabouts of Kalpana but Pakhi does not say anything about her. Just then Raghav hears the sound of a drum falling down and goes in that direction and finds Kalpana there. Raghav takes Kalpana along with him in his car and Pakhi too follows him in her car. She tries to force Raghav to stop but in a surprising turn of events, Raghav's car falls down a cliff and catches fire. Vitthal blames Kamla's wrong decision and her blind trust in Pakhi for Kalpana's condition.
Will Raghav and Pakhi survive this deadly accident?

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THIS WEEK ON REACH FOR THE STARS... THIS WEEK ON REACH FOR THE STARS... Reviewed by DLSBF on Monday, June 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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