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Siddharth announces that the marriage won’t happen. He brings Aanya to the family. Naina asks what is this son in-law. Siddharth says a big decision and before that he want her to know a big truth. Aanya wants to talk and asks her to reveal a certain truth before all.
Naina asks Aanya what truth and to tell her but Aanya falls unconscious. She falls in Siddharth’s arms. Aanya is instantly attended to and Neil gets upset with Siddharth as he considers him responsible for Aanya's condition and asks him to leave her. Neil picks her up and takes her in.
Kritika and Raj are talking of something. Raj says he smell something burning. Simran is burning Roshni’s pictures and all those related to her. Raj and kritika reach there. Raj asks what happened. Simran says he knew Roshni is back still he hid this from her. Simran says she got to know this and she won’t let her destroy her sons life. Raj says Roshni is his life. Simran says she has destroyed his life and not to tell her all this now. She know her very well. She won’t come in this house ever and even her shadow won’t come and if he want to bring her then either she will live or she will. The choice is his
.Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and people dancingImage may contain: 1 person, close-up

Raj asks Kritika to bring water. She brings water and extinguishes the fire.
Neil says he have seen Aanya isn’t happy with him. Siddharth makes faces like he’s irritated. Neil says he know him very well when Naina questions him and he’s irritating her and doesn’t let his sister live in peace. Siddharth says he have had enough of his nonsense. He is not interested and he don’t know anything. The doctor comes and asks who is Aanya’s husband. The doctor says the girl wants to talk to her husband.
Siddharth goes in. The doctor says all will be fine. Siddharth speak to Aanya and apologizes to her that he shouldn’t have been so harsh but he didn’t know what to do, he wants her to speak up about her love for Aarav and free him of the fake marriage. Aanya says she had told that day not to save her. Siddharth says nothing is complicated when Aanya says everything is complicated and reveals that she is pregnant and hearing her, Siddharth ends up shocked while she is crying.
Aanya says she is going to have a children’s whom their father has left her. Aanya further adds that finding Aarav is the only solution they have at the moment or else she will die. Siddharth says he will get him back but she have to promise him that she won’t let Neil and Ragini get engaged. She asks why and how is it connected. He folds his hands in front of her and she agrees.
Siddharth comes out and says she’s fine. He leaves and Roshni comes in. Roshni begs him to stop this. Siddharth says she should stop her rash decisions and her irrational behaviour. Her mom knew of it and he is just fulfilling her promise to take care of her. He will prove that he is right, he was never wrong and he never moved on. She is ruining four lives. Roshni sees him going. Roshni says she know how to stop all this.
Neil shouts on Naina because they are preparing for party when Aanya is ill. Neil thinks there’s a problem. He leaves. Ragini comes in. Naina shows her the ring. Roshni shows band aid in ring finger. They make her wear the ring. Mami asks Ragini if she knows of son in-law. Naina asks her not to speak nonsense. Siddharth asks for passenger details for a person on a flight. Siddharth then plead to tell him.
Siddharth arrives distraught in the hospital, and tries to look around for Aarav, and enquires about the ICU from the nurse. when shown the way, he finds Aarav in the ICU. A man places his hand on his shoulder, and asks if he knows Aarav and he complies. The man then takes Siddharth to his family, and after introduction, they ask him how does he know Aarav, as he has never seen him. Siddharth hesitated and says that he is Aarav and Aanya’s friend, his mother squirms at the mention of her name, and asks him not to speak of her, since the day she has met her son, he has been facing one problem after the other, and now has landed in a coma. He is tensed but remains silent. Siddharth wonders how would Aarav and Aanya meet now, as he is in a coma.
Siddharth’s mother gets a call from Neil’s mother, Naina telling her about her son’s engagement with Ragini Desai, and she is super thrilled. She talks about the haste that her son is in. She asks and invites her to come in the evening, and she readily complies. Then she asks about their son in-law, and she says that Siddharth must be out preparing for his brother in-law's marriage definitely. They end the call and she is ecstatic that her prayers were heard and now everything would be alright.
Meanwhile, Aanya vomits, and Meetu again catches her like that, and then finds her sucking a lemon, and starts jotting the clues together. Aanya is oblivious. She calls Neil and tells him about how Aanya’s condition is worsening, and that she is even vomiting now. He gets the wrong idea, and thinks that she must have been given oily food yet again, due to which she has stomach disorder. She is frustrated that he didn't get her message, as he leaves.
By the evening, Neil’s mother is being thorough with the preparations, and they hear the sound of a band approaching, and wonders who is it. Siddharth’s mother walk in with a plate full of gifts, for the bride to be, and presents the idea to Naina, that they can have a double wedding, of Aanya as well as Neil’s in the same aisle, with their better halves. Naina loves the idea. Siddharth’s mother says that tonight in the engagement function, they can even announce it too. Naina hollers for Ragini, and when she walks in, Ragini aka Roshni is shocked to see Siddharth’s mother. They have an awkward meeting, as Naina introduces them to each other, two people who very well know each other. Ragini complies, and takes Siddharth’s mother’s blessings, and then thanks her, and asks why was this needed. Naina finds it weird, and points out as to how she is still aunty, whereas Aanya’s mother is mother instantly. All are tensed. Siddharth’s mother says that Ragini is merely being shy, and then distracts everyone from the topic, and talks about the double wedding to Roshni. She smiles, and says that it must be wonderful for everyone. Meetu again senses some awkwardness and understands that there is something going on between Ragini and Siddharth’s mother. Siddharth’s mother enquires about Aanya, and she is told Aanya is sick. She hands the gifts to Roshni, who takes them tensely. Naina hurriedly adds that it's just slight weakness.
In her room, Aanya calls Siddharth up, and asks where Aarav is as she needs to meet him. He tells her about Aarav’s state, and she gets distraught, as she collapses on the floor. He says that her coming here isn't right and he would come home and talk to her. She is unable to believe this and begs him to speak the truth, as she thought he had betrayed her. Siddharth says that Aarav is found, which is good, and they can start from hereon, and that she needs to compose herself, while he handles things here. she ends the call, and apologises herself to Aarav, that she misunderstood him completely. Siddharth’s mother sees this from this door and is shocked, and thinks that now everything should bite to dust, and that means Siddharth and Roshni should be together which she won't allow at all. She wonders what to do.
Meanwhile, Naina is fuming at Neil to buy new clothes, while he is hesitant. Ragini joins them, and she asks her to take him for shopping or else he won't. while he gets busy talking to someone, Roshni gets sid’s call, and she gets tensed. She steps aside and asks what does he need now. He hurriedly says that he wants one last chance to prove himself and his love for her, and begs her to come to the city hospital today, for once. She asks what's this new drama. He asks her to come once or else he would tell everyone the reality. She asks him to stop the nonsense, but when she sees Neil approaching, she agrees to come. He asks if he can drop her but she denies saying that she would take a cab, and then asks him to go shopping. She then leaves.
Roshni meets Siddharth and asks him why did he call her here. he talks about Aarav being a reality and how he has been found, which is an evidence, that he hasn't married yet, and he isn't Aanya’s husband, and then takes her to his ward, but is shocked when he finds it empty. She eyes him boggled, and then with frustration, thinking it's some lame as attempt to get her attention again. He gets distraught and asks the ward boy but he doesn't know anything. He again points that he knows what she is thinking, but he isn't lying. He asks the doctor too, but they don't have any knowledge. she asks him to stop this now, and continue to desperately hang on to the last shreds of their relationship, as they have had some really good times, and she still savours the memory, but he has to let go now. she snatches him by the hand, and then takes him to the reception, and enquires about a patient called Aarav, and is told that there is no one. Siddharth is boggled and thoroughly confused. She begs him not to mess in her life anymore and leaves from there, while he stands distraught.
At Neil’s residence, After her thorough research, Aanya’s sister is assured that Aanya’s pregnant, but doesn't understand why is it being kept a secret if they have already married. Her husband and asks her to put her detective mind to rest, while she continues seeing problems. Meetu is determined to find the truth. he asks her to stop this madness. She shoves him away, and then again starts thinking, that there is a simple way to prove pregnancy, that's a blood sample. She takes out a syringe from under the drawer and eyeing it determinedly, she is sure that she would find out. She tries to get a blood sample of Aanya so that she can commence the DNA test but Mithul ends up injecting herself and dashes out of the room.
Outside, Siddharth finds his mother in the car, making a deal with the Aarav’s father, as to how Aarav is shifted to luxury class medical care, and extremely confidential treatment. He asks what about the expenses they would incur. She asks him not to worry, but just make sure that no one gets to know about it. He is boggled, as he finds Aarav’s father stepping out of the car and wonder what's his mother doing here. He comes and welcomes her out of the car. She asks him what's he doing here. He asks her the same, and asks why is she doing this, and if she can't see her son happy, his pain, the trauma and the trouble he went through, these past two years. He asks how could she not know that his life is Roshni, and today she snatched away his last attempt at meeting and getting Roshni, and asks why she did this. Simran feel no remorse and says that she would do it a hundred more times, to keep him away from Roshni, and asks what's wrong with him, as he should loathe her, after the way she went away from their lives, and faked her own death, without even thinking what could have happened to him, and that she doesn't give a damn about that girl. He asks her not to interfere in between him and Roshni, and she shouldn't get to judge whether he needs to love or hate Roshni. He tells that she still loves him, misses him, and grieves for him, when he is in pain, but restrains herself, as she still feels that he and Aanya are married, and she doesn't want to intrude, for his own happiness, and they both are similar here, as they both want his happiness but both are wrong, as it pains him like hell. He admits that Roshni was is and would always be in his life, and it's none of her business. She asks what's gotten into him, and what kind of a life is he living. She asks him to step out of the dream world, as she has moved on, it's her engagement today and tomorrow she would be married, without being bothered as to how he is living. She says that she is his mother, and love isn't one side, and these are dream world ideology, and here only he loves her, but not the vice versa. She also passes her judgement, that as long as she is alive, she wouldn't allow Roshni to come in his life back again. The screen freezes on his tensed face.
Mami spy on Anya. Mama comes and calls her. Anya sees Mami and thinks if she has gone mad? Neil calls Roshni. Roshni comes and says she is here. Neil looks at her beauty. He compliments her beauty and asks if she is pressurize to take this decision. Roshni says this is her decision, and there is no pressure. Neil tells her that his girl friend Ria left him in the mandap, and Naina couldn’t get out of that trauma. He says if that happens again then even he couldn’t come out of the trauma. Roshni says this will not happen and asks him to come. Simran tells Naina that she has called the jeweller there to select the engagement rings. Anya sees and hears them discussing about the engagement. Simran selects jewellery ring. Anya immediately begins to panic thinks if they get engaged today, then it will be problematic. She calls Siddharth up and informs him about the ongoing preparations for the engagement. Siddharth is shocked. Anya asks what to do? Siddharth says he is reaching there right now. Anya asks him to come fast.
Later, all the guest come to Naina’s house and ask what is the surprise? Naina says you will know soon. Simran spots Kesar and says it means he and Roshni are involved in ruining my Siddharth. Kesar says Roshni has moved on. Simran says even if she hasn’t moved on then she has to move on. Neil comes there and asks Naina where Ragini is as everyone is waiting for her. Roshni is in the room when someone comes and takes her in his car forcibly.


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