You are not married not because there is no man
ready for marriage as a good number of men are
looking for life partners. The major reason Nigerian
men are now scared of marriage is waywardness. Men
are now afraid because they don’t know who to trust
and also not sure if that beautiful girl they are
interested in still has her womb intact.
They are also afraid because of the high mountain
ladies have suddenly placed themselves on as no
woman wants to date a poor man any longer but are
all interested in those with good cars and houses.
my guy NONSO recently told me why he does not
allow his girlfriends to come to his house. According
to him, he doesn’t want a case where a girl enters his
house only for her to refuse leaving because of the
beauty of the house and cars she will see.
Isn’t it surprising how single ladies now out-dress
married women with good jobs whose husbands are
very rich? You are not married because the single men
around you are wondering if they will be able to meet
up with your ever-demanding lifestyle. Even when
they know they can afford it, what makes them believe
you won’t take a walk tomorrow if anything goes
Another reason is that with your good job and salary,
they are even afraid to come near you as they wouldn’t
want to be turned down.
I have a female colleague , a very pretty girl who lives
in her own house and drives a posh car. She also has
different businesses to show for it. Recently, I advised
her to calm down a bit as friends I introduce her to
who ordinarily would have gone for her, all run away
after meeting her and come back to me with the same
word, “Amara, this one go send me go village.”
Another reason you are going to grow old in your
father’s house is this: You want a ready-made man
instead of a growing man with vision. Are you aware
that if you have not obtained favour from God, the
man will decrease instead of increasing when you
enter his house? Work on your character, the words
that come from your mouth, your lifestyle, the way
you carry yourself, the way you dress, the places you
visit and then spend time trying to find favour before
God because it’s only favour that can make your
husband increase the moment you step into his life.
In fact, the moment a man proposes to you, there
must be some positive movements in his finance if at
all you have obtained favour.
It is never your duty to find a man. While he is
working trying to raise money to sustain whoever he
takes home to his mother, you should get yourself
busy obtaining favour from God for you to be his
source of blessing. A man knows when the wife is a
source of blessing and that is the only time he
cherishes you.
In the previous paragraph, I said the man should take
you home to his mother. I don’t understand why you
get married to a man who believes it’s just between
the two of you. Read the Bible; they all took their
wives home to their mothers. If a man cannot take you
home to his people, something is wrong. Isn’t it
surprising how many of us are married without
knowing our husband’s village and his mother’s
bedroom? Marriage, in the African culture, is not
between the man and woman alone, the two families
must be involved.
Hey, you have to stop moving from one prayer house
to the other in search of miracles that are not coming
even after you might have emptied your pocket. Go
back to your room; deal with your character and bad
nature that is filled with pride and disrespect for the
elderly. Cut down on frivolities and that is not all, deal
with your party and aso ebi spirit. You must also deal
with that thing that gets you to aimlessly move from
one end of the street to the other all in search of
precious souls to destroy. Change that mentality that
says you use what you have to get what you want; any
man you get with your ass is as filthy, unreliable and
irresponsible as you are.
Common girl, go deal with yourself first before you
start blaming your step mother of being the one
keeping you down. Stop blaming your neighbours and
friends of standing on your way to progress. I just told
you the bitter truth which your Alfa, Babalawo, pastor
and Imam may never tell you. Stop wasting your time
chasing shadows, go and deal with yourself first
before complaining.
I know of a wonderful lady who sings so well that
when she comes to lead in worship, miracles take
place. People love her, but this lady is unmarried till
date. It is not because men don’t go to her for
marriage or because she is ugly; her number one
obstacle is her character. They say there are many old
single ladies in our churches; I think I know the
problem and not that most of them wasted their lives
in frivolities only to realise the last minute that they
have to run into the church where they can get a
brother to marry.
I am not trying to judge anyone’s past, but the issue is
that even when they join those churches, their
characters don’t change. It’s really appalling how some
ladies talk to men simply because they are in the same
church. Some of them fight everyone in their
department in church while some live their lives
begging from one member to the other.
What do have to say about ladies who fight for food
during church meetings? Those guys would be foolish
to see the stuff you are made of and still go ahead to
take you home to mama.
I always tell ladies that if by the age of 30 no man had
asked to know if you are for sale, there is something
wrong somewhere; its either spiritual or attitudinal,
but the truth is that it is always more attitudinal than
You have been fasting and praying and going for all
levels of deliverance but it seems nothing is working.
What is your character like after all the prayers and
religious devotions? It is sad when I see a single girl
walk up to a married woman sitting with her husband
and telling the woman to get up because she was there
before her. You attend functions with extra bags to
pack food and drinks and when it’s time to hit the
dancing floor, you do that as if there is no tomorrow.
What do you expect from life when you are the source
of all quarrels in your neighborhood, church and
This is the moment of truth and if at all you want to be
delivered, your decision to deliver yourself is the first
step to your breakthrough.

TIPS FOR UNMARRIED LADIES TIPS FOR UNMARRIED LADIES Reviewed by DLSBF on Thursday, June 01, 2017 Rating: 5

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