For matured minds though
 (long but understandable)

Most of we girls (even married ones) don't understand this because of much heavy grammars used in talking about/teaching it and we don't listen to our body too atimes. Personally, I don't understand this before but with time as I read, I started listening to my body too
for signs and here I arrived in simple analysis/steps..
MENTRUAL PERIOD:The time blood flows out of your vagina which you uses pad.
MENTRUAL CYCLE:How many days it takes to see another blood in the month. Example, if you saw your period last month June 11th and it came yesterday 10th July have 30days Cycle (counting from 11 June to 10July).
NOTE:We are made to believe its 28days cycle......that's a lie, different women different cycles ranging from 21-35days.
OVULATION PERIOD:Forget any other heavy grammars....
This is time of getting pregnant fast without stress,this is two weeks after your period or two weeks before the next period.
Here's a simple way to calculate your ovulation period (unsafe period)
1. From the first day you see the blood of your period.
2. Pick up a calendar and count 15days including the first day of the blood stain.
3. Mark the 15th day with a pen(circle it).
4. Mark 3 days before the 15th day
5. Mark 3 days after the 15th day
6. You will notice you have 7 days marked.
These 7 days are your ovulation/fertile days, also known as unsafe period.
Meaning if you have sex on any of these days then you have 98% chances of being
7.Do these every month and try and abide by these rules
For example:
1. If your period is today 11th July, 2017,
2. 15 days after the first day of the blood stain will be on 25th of this July too(2weeks after) counting from 11th.
3. 15th day is on the 25th July 2017.
4. 3days before the 15th day which is 22,23,24.
5. 3days after 25th July 2017 which is 26,27,28.
6.22th - 28th July(7days) is when you are ovulating and it's your fertile period.
***Don't forget that these 7days is to remind you that Sperm stays in the female body for up-to 7 days (a week. May need recent citation though). Any sexual contact in between ovulation period will form something that has ears, eyes etc.
Now, if you want to have a *baby girl,* have sex between 3days before ovulation(22- 24) 2017.
For *baby boy* will be 25 (main ovulation day) and 3days after 25th.
You may not need a doctor, just relax after two weeks you feel the following...
2.Body temperature rises (sometimes you touch a girl and her body is hot but she is not sick)
3.Diziness (feeling of tiredness and sleepiness)
4.Breast tenderness/size increases just like when you are menstruating.
5.Increased sex drive (sugar body)
6.Light cramping or pain on one side of the pelvis
7.Abdominal bloating.
8.Heightened sense of smell, taste or vision (you eat more too).
9.Vagina mucus becomes slippery (if you notice such, put it in-between fingers,... it stretches like thick catarrh or snail mucus...colourless just like egg whites.
*N/B:* The instance I given here is for ladies with 30days cycle and someone who saw her period this month July 2017. If yours is 28 then it's 14days instead of 15days **********
Anytime you have headache without a cause check back when your period arrived. Nothing to worry about just get malt and peak milk preferably, mix both, drink and relax.......
stop rushing to pharmacist always on issues that can be naturally handled. Drugs are not always good on girls. From the moment I understood ovulation problems, I stayed off drug....... You can take paracetamol only.
MEN, read and educate your wives, some mothers don't know this, she can use this method as a form of birth control than pills.
SINGLE GUYS, help your sisters at home (I know you will want me to say, help girlfriends, Nope!
For more inquiries if you still don't understand this long write up please! Kindly download OVULATION CALCULATOR APP in your phone or buy ovulation predictor kit...
*Thanks for making out time to read through.*
*Copied from Ogoo Okonkwo's post and slightly edited* *As I was surfing the net this morning, I came across this piece and thought it wise to copy and share. It might be of help to you.*
MENSTRUAL CYCLE AND OVULATION PERIOD... *For matured minds though* (long but understandable)
Most of we girls (even married ones) don't understand this because of much heavy grammars used in talking about/teaching it and we don't listen to our body too atimes. Personally, I don't understand this before but with time as I read, I started listening to my body too
for signs and here I arrived in simple analysis/steps..
MENTRUAL PERIOD:The time blood flows out of your vagina which you uses pad.
MENTRUAL CYCLE:How many days it takes to see another blood in the month. Example, if you saw your period last month June 11th and it came yesterday 10th July have 30days Cycle (counting from 11 June to 10July).
NOTE:We are made to believe its 28days cycle......that's a lie, different women different cycles ranging from 21-35days.
OVULATION PERIOD:Forget any other heavy grammars....
This is time of getting pregnant fast without stress,this is two weeks after your period or two weeks before the next period.
Here's a simple way to calculate your ovulation period (unsafe period)
1. From the first day you see the blood of your period.
2. Pick up a calendar and count 15days including the first day of the blood stain.
3. Mark the 15th day with a pen(circle it).
4. Mark 3 days before the 15th day
5. Mark 3 days after the 15th day
6. You will notice you have 7 days marked.
These 7 days are your ovulation/fertile days, also known as unsafe period.
Meaning if you have sex on any of these days then you have 98% chances of being
7.Do these every month and try and abide by these rules
For example:
1. If your period is today 11th July, 2017,
2. 15 days after the first day of the blood stain will be on 25th of this July too(2weeks after) counting from 11th.
3. 15th day is on the 25th July 2017.
4. 3days before the 15th day which is 22,23,24.
5. 3days after 25th July 2017 which is 26,27,28.
6.22th - 28th July(7days) is when you are ovulating and it's your fertile period.
***Don't forget that these 7days is to remind you that Sperm stays in the female body for up-to 7 days (a week. May need recent citation though). Any sexual contact in between ovulation period will form something that has ears, eyes etc.
Now, if you want to have a *baby girl,* have sex between 3days before ovulation(22- 24) 2017.
For *baby boy* will be 25 (main ovulation day) and 3days after 25th.
You may not need a doctor, just relax after two weeks you feel the following...
2.Body temperature rises (sometimes you touch a girl and her body is hot but she is not sick)
3.Diziness (feeling of tiredness and sleepiness)
4.Breast tenderness/size increases just like when you are menstruating.
5.Increased sex drive (sugar body)
6.Light cramping or pain on one side of the pelvis
7.Abdominal bloating.
8.Heightened sense of smell, taste or vision (you eat more too).
9.Vagina mucus becomes slippery (if you notice such, put it in-between fingers,... it stretches like thick catarrh or snail mucus...colourless just like egg whites.
*N/B:* The instance I given here is for ladies with 30days cycle and someone who saw her period this month July 2017. If yours is 28 then it's 14days instead of 15days **********
Anytime you have headache without a cause check back when your period arrived. Nothing to worry about just get malt and peak milk preferably, mix both, drink and relax.......
stop rushing to pharmacist always on issues that can be naturally handled. Drugs are not always good on girls. From the moment I understood ovulation problems, I stayed off drug....... You can take paracetamol only.
MEN, read and educate your wives, some mothers don't know this, she can use this method as a form of birth control than pills.
SINGLE GUYS, help your sisters at home (I know you will want me to say, help girlfriends, Nope!
For more inquiries if you still don't understand this long write up please! Kindly download OVULATION CALCULATOR APP in your phone or buy ovulation predictor kit...
All you Need to Know About MENSTRUATION ,OVULATION AND SAFE PERIOD(Both MALE &Female) All you Need to Know About MENSTRUATION ,OVULATION AND SAFE PERIOD(Both MALE &Female) Reviewed by DLSBF on Sunday, July 23, 2017 Rating: 5

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