#BENUE FLOOD: Belle sisters foundation reliefs the victims

In a statement released by the Belle sisters foundation who gave relief Materials to the Benue flood victims and votes of thanks to those who gave the organization support and assistance to make it a success....

To everyone who saw our awareness and came in to support our mission to Benue state flood victims.

Special appreciation goes to almighty God, who supported and protected us through out the preparation of this mission.

To Belle Sisters Foundation members, words can't express how happy i am, that you all made this happened in a short notice. Therefore, i want to use this medium to specially thank each and everyone of you who supported in one way or the other to see to the success of this project.  It came as a matter of urgency and many rapidly reacted positively towards that. It is my prayer that we will surely receive the reward as long as God lives.

We also appreciate those who didn't just support with relief materials and money but also with their time to represent us in Benue State.

We have proven that what we stand for is actually achievable by touching lives, giving hope to the hopeless, saving lives, and giving life a meaning... These we have collectively achieved with the drops of love from each of us towards assisting those in Benue state who were displaced by flood disaster.

To Smile Family International who collaborated with us Mrs Adaora Okoye who came in from Enugu.

To my wonderful mom Mrs Rose Okoye Okekeuche and siblings Vivian Okekeuche, Ada Otigbuinyinya, Okekeuche-Orjiekwe Chinweokwu Omalicha who prove that humanity is in indeed in our family, through their encouragement and monetary supports, and to my darling brother Samuel Nzube Okekeuche who left his work for days just to see this mission was success.

To Raluchukwu Henry Okoye (cousin) for your prayers and media supports.

To my brother in-law Paul Ojiekwe, who donated his car and time to send all the relief materials to Benue state.

To Mbaji Sampson Ikenna, for your tireless supports, encouragements, and directions.

To ThtWorld Udumaga Chidi and everyone who shared our post in other to get people to donate relief materials.

To Ukan Kurugh, you are indeed a humanitarian tour guide angel, you guided us all throughout the IDP camps both old and new camp (Abagana) you cared for everyone in that camp and also air each and everyone who visited there.

Thank you so much for your kind assistance. It came just when we needed it most! It is the wonderful  actions of others that keep us going most days. Thank you again and God bless you all.

#BENUE FLOOD: Belle sisters foundation reliefs the victims #BENUE FLOOD: Belle sisters foundation reliefs the victims Reviewed by DLSBF on Monday, September 11, 2017 Rating: 5


  1. God bless belle sisters foundation, what a good job. God bless our founder Obiageli Okekeuche. You are indeed born with a heart of gold. May God keep strengthening you to touch more lives. God bless everyone who contributed one way or the other.

  2. God bless belle sisters foundation. God bless the founder and co-labourers. May your needs be met in Jesus name. Amen


Thank you

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